Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year, New Resolutions

I’m back; back from vacation, back from my blogging break, back in the
Weight Watchers saddle, just back. I finally feel like I’m able to
re-focus this blog, especially without the pressure of posting
everyday. I missed sharing my life, my anecdotes, and my recipes so
I’m glad to be back.
The end of last year was filled with lots of changes. I moved into a
new apartment, changed positions at work, went on vacation, and made
some really great new friends. As I start the New Year, and start back
at work, I got to thinking about my resolutions for this year. I’m
actually not a humongous fan of New Year’s resolutions, I fully
believe you don’t have to wait until January 1st to make a change, but
the start of the year is a good time to reflect and to think about the
coming year.

Resolutions from 2011:
1. Go back to WW.  I did this. I’ve lost 54 pounds so far.
2. Make at least two of my posts a week more substantial. I did this
too…up until the last couple weeks of my year of blogging.
3. Shimmy, Shake, and Move. My original goal was 4 days a week. You
guys this does not happen. Like ever. Even on my best week. I did
however run several 5ks and I can climb way more stairs than before.
4. Be kinder. I’m still a terrible, mean, judgy person.
5. Visit two new places. I did this. I went to Belize and Honduras.
6. Take my LCSW exam. This did not happen. It’s back on this year’s list.
7. Actually cook some of the recipes I've been saving. I did this too. Check out some of my blog posts.

Resolutions for 2012:
1. Eat in Season. I am going to try harder to eat more fruits and
vegetables that are in season this year. I have a habit of always
buying the same things and I really want to try some new fruits and
2. Actually sell a Cupcake (or 12). I have been talking about starting
a small scale cupcake company since I moved into my new apartment in
October; current name suggestions are Katie’s Kupcakes, Orange Blossom
Bakery, Flour Shop, and Katie Cakes. Mostly I’m doing it for fun and a
little extra cash, but I haven’t actually sold anything yet.
3. Run a Half-Marathon. I think this is self-explanatory.
4. Take my LCSW test. Taking and passing my LCSW exam would be a huge
step forward in my career.
5. Reach my goal weight. I’m not sure what the goal is yet, but does
this really need explanation.
6. Visit two new places. This is always a goal of mine. I love to
travel and explore new places.

So theses are my New Year's Resolutions. What about you?

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