Sunday, January 9, 2011


As lazy as I was yesterday, I was busy today. I had double things to do today and I didn't get all of them done (my closet is still not cleaned out; nor am I fully unpacked from Christmas). I did however get the downstairs cleaning done and I finished my laundry. I also planned out this weeks meals, went to the grocery store, and made dinner. Now BFFMandy and I are currently sitting in the living room watch The Craigslist Killer (which is only just okay; the reason I bring this up is there was a commercial for a movie about Amanda Knox which prompted a conversation that went like this:
Me: I can't believe there's already a movie about that; it's still in the news. And I don't think she did it anyway...
BFFMandy: I don't think she did it either, mostly because we have the same first and middle name.
Me: That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard
BFFMandy: Oh really? I thought Barrack Obama as President was the most ridiculous thing you'd ever heard.
Now I'm not using this blog to discuss my political beliefs, but I will tell you I found this particular exchange to be hysterical.

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