Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello There 2011

I pretty sure I said that last night, but extra good wishes never hurt anybody. Today I celebrated with my family in the way we have for many years; by disassembling Christmas. It was an especially bitter-sweet afternoon this year, because for the first time in my life I'm glad the holidays are over and I'm not sure how many of our traditions will remain intact. 
I've mentioned before that this was a difficult year for my family and for myself. We've had a lot of medical issues and conflict in 2010. Looking back on this year the difficulties and scares are so prevalent, but I know that there were high moments and triumphs. I'm hoping and praying that 2011 brings health and peace. 
This, I suppose, is where I begin my 2011 Resolutions. I'm not sure I've mentioned this before, but I don't actually believe in New Year's Resolutions. I've often felt that "resolutions" are too broad and they set people up for failure. I am, however, I HUGE fan of using the start of the New Year to reflect on the last year and set new goals. So here I my goals for 2011:
1. Go back to WW.  Good Ole Weight Watchers. I want to improve my diet this year, really make permanent change in how I eat. The goal is simply to go back to Weight Watchers and follow the program.
2. Make at least two of my posts a week more substantial. Not that you guys don't already know this, but I'm a terrible blogger (for serious). The initial goal of this blog was to write something anything everyday for a year. But I'm now that I'm a quarter of the way through (!!!) my year, I'm not sure "something anything" is cutting it anymore. 
3. Shimmy, Shake, and Move. Basically be more active. Specifically do some sort of physical activity for at least 30 minutes at least 4 days a week. It can be anything the gym, the Wii, a walk in my neighborhood, or even taking the stairs at work. 
4. Be kinder. I need to meditate or pray or both and find a way to be kinder and less judgy. 
5. Visit two new places. Extra points if they are places on my Bucket List. 
6. Take my LCSW exam. This is what I've been working for since I was in college; I will take my liscensure test this year!
7. Actually cook some of the recipes I've been saving. I have about a gazillion recipes saved in my Google Reader from Tastespotting and the blogs that I follow. I need to actually start cooking them or get rid of them.

That's all I've come up with today, but as I think over the last year and head into this one I might come up with more. 
Welcome to the World 2011. 

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